Yesterday, I had to paint my nails so its ready for today!
So, heres my nails!
Excuse the messy cuticles.
These are water slide nail decals on clear so I had to paint my nails white first to make the decals really visible. I love the results.
So Patriotic!

Excuse the messy cuticles.
These are water slide nail decals on clear so I had to paint my nails white first to make the decals really visible. I love the results.
So Patriotic!

The bad thing, I had to work so there was some chipping when I got home but anyway, they still looked great so I didnt bother changing them.
Hubby: So did you get any compliment or did somebody look at your nails?
Me: Yes, they look but they couldn't say a compliment because they don't speak English!
Now, lets talk about my Oath Ceremony!
My appointment was at 9:00 am today. So, base on the ridiculous traffic last time we went for my interview and testing, we decided to leave early as 5:30 am today. Thanks to my awesome supervisor last night, she let me leave early so I can get some sleep.
On the way, we stopped twice to get something to eat and used the bathroom. Amazingly, the traffic was nice and smooth. As a result, we arrived the destination an hour and half early. We just waited and relax in the car.
Around 8:15, we decided to check in, lots of people already in line to get in. We ended up waiting half an hour upstairs anyway, it was on 4th floor of the building, with only 2 very narrow elevator that fits only 6 people. We had to line up to use them coz of many people scheduled for oath ceremony.
It was very organized, lots of family members and interpreters were there, TAKE NOTE OF THIS: INTERPRETERS. Are you kidding me, how the hell they passed that freaking test in English? The written and oral! Why would you call them american citizen while they can't even speak and understand English which is the language of the country. UNBELIEVABLE!!! BUT IT HAPPENED!!!
Anyway, there were 63 people that took an oath. It was very organized, first 7 rows are for the citizens to be and the rest are for family members, about 100 of them.
At exactly 9:00 am, we started by falling in line to surrender our Green Card and notice of oath ceremony(they will give or mail this to you), made sure you didn't have any changes after your interview and testing. Then, the officer asked you to check your certificate of naturalization if there is any corrections or if all the information on it are correct. We did that for almost an hour, well, for 63 people and most of them can't speak English, what would you expect.
9:30 am. hubby needed to come down to feed the parking meter and smoke, so we dont get a ticket. He needed to be back before 10:00 because they will lock or close the door and he won't be able to come back in.
10:00 am, the ceremony started with the National Anthem. Then, we sworn and became citizen, YAYYYYY! Then, we watched video of the President welcoming us. Then, the Pledge of Allegiance. After that, they call us for our certificate and picture taking. Well, hubby tried to take pictures but got crappy shots so I dont have anything to show you guys. :(
We got done by 10:30 am.
After that, you have the option if you want to register to vote. Since the elevators were small, we decided to just go before it gets really crowded. I was just so happy to get out of there! Big, big YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!^
Here is how the Certificate of Naturalization look!
It comes in 8.5 x 11 inches
Hubby: So did you get any compliment or did somebody look at your nails?
Me: Yes, they look but they couldn't say a compliment because they don't speak English!
Now, lets talk about my Oath Ceremony!
My appointment was at 9:00 am today. So, base on the ridiculous traffic last time we went for my interview and testing, we decided to leave early as 5:30 am today. Thanks to my awesome supervisor last night, she let me leave early so I can get some sleep.
On the way, we stopped twice to get something to eat and used the bathroom. Amazingly, the traffic was nice and smooth. As a result, we arrived the destination an hour and half early. We just waited and relax in the car.
Around 8:15, we decided to check in, lots of people already in line to get in. We ended up waiting half an hour upstairs anyway, it was on 4th floor of the building, with only 2 very narrow elevator that fits only 6 people. We had to line up to use them coz of many people scheduled for oath ceremony.
It was very organized, lots of family members and interpreters were there, TAKE NOTE OF THIS: INTERPRETERS. Are you kidding me, how the hell they passed that freaking test in English? The written and oral! Why would you call them american citizen while they can't even speak and understand English which is the language of the country. UNBELIEVABLE!!! BUT IT HAPPENED!!!
Anyway, there were 63 people that took an oath. It was very organized, first 7 rows are for the citizens to be and the rest are for family members, about 100 of them.
At exactly 9:00 am, we started by falling in line to surrender our Green Card and notice of oath ceremony(they will give or mail this to you), made sure you didn't have any changes after your interview and testing. Then, the officer asked you to check your certificate of naturalization if there is any corrections or if all the information on it are correct. We did that for almost an hour, well, for 63 people and most of them can't speak English, what would you expect.
9:30 am. hubby needed to come down to feed the parking meter and smoke, so we dont get a ticket. He needed to be back before 10:00 because they will lock or close the door and he won't be able to come back in.
10:00 am, the ceremony started with the National Anthem. Then, we sworn and became citizen, YAYYYYY! Then, we watched video of the President welcoming us. Then, the Pledge of Allegiance. After that, they call us for our certificate and picture taking. Well, hubby tried to take pictures but got crappy shots so I dont have anything to show you guys. :(
We got done by 10:30 am.
After that, you have the option if you want to register to vote. Since the elevators were small, we decided to just go before it gets really crowded. I was just so happy to get out of there! Big, big YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!^
Here is how the Certificate of Naturalization look!
It comes in 8.5 x 11 inches
My sister in law and brother in law gave me a nice celebration.
They bought me this cake!
And also, cooked crab legs for me and steak for my hubby since he doesn't eat any seafood. Oh my, that was a great dinner and how thoughtful were they?
All I can say is I am so proud of myself, and I am so happy that my family are proud of me too!
Thats priceless!
Thats all for now, you all have a great day!
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